Howard Jordan speaks at public events on occasions. For a provocative, energetic, and informative presentation by Mr. Jordan, contact to schedule your event.
Speaking topics include, but are not limited to:
President Donald Trump: White Supremacy & Insurrection
Presidential Elections: Biden, Trump, West and why it matters?
Judge Hector LaSalle, the De-Latinization of the NYS Judiciary, and why "Representation Matters"?
Puerto Rico America's Last Colony
Black/Brown Men and Combating Sexism.
Stopping Hate Crimes in Latino communities
Intra-Latino coalitions Between Puerto Ricans, Dominicans, Colombians, and La Familia.
Latino Underrepresentation in the Mayor Adams and Governor Hochul Administrations
Educational Crisis in Communities of Color
Criminal Justice System, Why Black and/or Latino Lives Matter
Latinos and the Media: Still on the Outside Looking In?
Justice Sonia Sotomayor: A Puerto Rican Judge Symbol of a people.
Afro-Latino Movement: The Untold Story of Black
Health crisis and racial disparities in Communities of Color
Why Latinos Should Defend Gay,Lesbian, and transgender
Black, Brown, Yellow, Red and White: Building Multiracial
Alliances and Coalitions
Latinos and American Law: A Look at Landmark Supreme
Court Cases